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Counseling and Therapy

Dikirim 0leh Arjo moemedo Monday, February 21, 2011

Counseling and Therapy


  • A counselor can help you understand your feelings and problems.
  • Finding a counselor who feels like the right fit can take time.
  • Effective counseling can give you skills to cope with the stresses of everyday life.
Sometimes it can be hard to cope with all of the changes that happen during your teenage years. If you are having trouble dealing with certain situations or emotions, you might find counseling to be a helpful way of sorting things out.

Why should I go to counseling?
If you are thinking about whether counseling could be helpful to you, here are some questions to ask yourself:
  • Do you ever feel really sad, frustrated, or lonely?
  • Do you feel especially angry, annoyed, or out-of-control?
  • Do you feel very anxious, worried, or guilty?
  • Have you experienced some major problems at home, at school, or in your neighborhood?
  • Have you noticed some changes in the way you sleep, eat, or think and feel about life?
  • Is it hard for you to talk about these feelings with your family or friends?
  • Are these feelings having a bad effect on your life-are they making your schoolwork and your relationships with family and friends difficult?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then it may be a good idea for you to talk with a counselor (also known as a therapist). A therapist is an adult who has special training to help people sort through their different feelings and problems. Teenagers and young adults go to counseling for many reasons.

Counseling can help you to understand your feelings and problems and learn how to deal with them in your everyday life. You can expect that whatever you and your counselor discuss will remain confidential. Confidential means that the therapist cannot tell anyone, not even your parents, about what the two of you talk about without your permission. The exception to this rule is that if the counselor feels that you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else, including being abused or neglected, he/she is obligated by law to break confidentiality in order to keep you safe.

How do I find a counselor?
Many professionals can help you find a counselor. You can ask your health care provider (doctor or nurse) for a referral in your clinic or neighborhood. You can also ask your guidance counselor at school to refer you to a counselor who deals with mental health issues. Sometimes counselors meet with students at school. You can also ask a teacher, youth advisor, clergy person, or parent or guardian to help you find a counselor. You may also want to check out mental health agencies in your area.

What types of counselors are there?
When you are referred for counseling, you may be referred to a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, psychiatric nurse practitioner, or mental health worker. All of these professionals are also referred to as therapists and are trained to understand feelings and behaviors and know ways to help people through difficult times. There are counselors in all the following disciplines who work with teenagers:
  • Psychiatrist- a medical doctor (M.D.) who has graduated from medical school, with extra training in psychiatry. A psychiatrist provides counseling and also can prescribe medications that can help depression, anxiety and other problems.
  • Psychologist- has graduated from college and graduate school and has the degree Ph.D., Psy.D., or Ed.D. A psychologist provides counseling and can also do special testing to understand certain problems such as learning disabilities.
  • Social Worker- a therapist who has graduated from college and graduate school, where she/he studied counseling. A social worker has the degree M.S.W. and the certification LCSW or LICSW. She/he provides counseling, often has a special understanding of how families work and may be able to connect people with services in their communities.
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners (NP) – are nurses who have a master’s degree and a special certificate to specialize in mental health issues and counseling. They are able to prescribe medications that can help with depression, anxiety and other problems.
  • Mental health counselor (LMHC)- has graduated from college and is a licensed therapist who has special advanced training in counseling. Mental health counselors are often individual therapists or marriage and family counselors.
What will happen when I talk to a counselor?
When you talk with a counselor, you get a chance to talk about anything that is on your mind. They will listen to you and not judge you. You can talk about more serious things some of the time, and you can talk about less serious things at other times.

What should I expect from counseling?
When you decide to start talking with a counselor you should expect to meet with one person who will get to know you pretty well. You will build a relationship with your counselor during your meetings. Most counselors understand that it takes a lot of courage to go into counseling and often takes time to get used to talking and sharing in counseling! It's hard to tell on the first session if you feel comfortable enough with your counselor to talk about things that are important to you. Try to give the counselor a chance. If after a few visits you still don't feel okay about talking with the counselor, you should tell the person who referred you to your therapist. Most likely you will have a chance to choose another counselor. This is fine! It might take a few tries to find a counselor that you like, but don't give up. Since you will be talking about sensitive issues, you deserve to have a therapist who you feel totally safe and comfortable with.

What kinds of questions will the therapist/counselor ask me?
At the first visit, the counselor may ask you many questions about your life and how you've been feeling during the past year. He/she may want you to bring your parent(s) or guardian(s) with you on the first visit. The type of help you are offered by your counselor will depend on what you tell them and the kind of relationship that you develop. Teenagers often bring their family members or other significant people to some of their counseling sessions to help improve communication in those relationships.

How long will counseling last?
Counseling lasts different periods of time for different people. Your counselor will try to work with you to decide how the sessions will fit into your schedule. You might meet with your counselor once a week for as little as 30 minutes or as long as 60 minutes. Sometimes you might choose to meet with your therapist more often (2 or more days per week) or less often (every two weeks). You can continue meeting with your counselor for as long as you need help working out your problems. This could be 1 week, 6 weeks, 6 months, or even longer.

What else can I do?
In addition to going to counseling, there are many activities you can do on your own to try to work through difficult feelings and solve problems. You might want to try talking with a parent, good friend, or another adult in your life. You might try writing down your feelings in a journal or diary. Other things to try are relaxation exercises, listening to music, watching a good movie, or exercising. Also try getting involved in an activity that you are good at such as a sport, drama, music, or hobbies (such as writing or reading). The combination of doing activities you like to do and talking with a therapist will help to improve how you are feeling and make your everyday life much easier.

Written by the CYWH Staff at Children's Hospital Boston

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